This section contains all the rules that you must respect in order for your product to be referenced, and therefore published, on our site, which aims to put several parties in contact with each other with a view to selling a good or providing a service. Failure to comply with these rules may result in your ad being rejected or dereferenced, i.e. removed from our site. This section also contains the criteria for the classification of ads on our site ?



Here are some things to remember when placing an ad:


- The text of the ad must describe the product/good/service. Products containing a general text (description of the product/good). The text of the same ad must not offer several products.

- The Product must be placed in a corresponding category.

- The price indicated is a total amount including VAT of the good in the field "Price".

- We inform you that we only allow products (all products).



Any advertisement containing elements of text (words, expressions, sentences, etc.) which would seem to be contrary to the legal or regulatory provisions, to good morals, to the rules of distribution of our site or likely to disturb or shock the readers will be refused by Universe Of Trading, and therefore not referenced on our site, without this giving rise to any right to compensation for the advertiser.


Unauthorised content

It is forbidden to :

- Exclusively written in foreign words. Advertisements must be written in French (legal obligation imposed by law n°94-345 of August 1994). When a foreign term cannot find its equivalent in French, it must be circumscribed in a sufficiently precise manner so as not to mislead the user of the site.

- Containing terms or descriptions unrelated to the proposed content.

- Presenting an abusive use of keywords.

- Directly or indirectly directing to a site other than ours.

- Containing a premium rate telephone number.

- Of a political, sectarian, discriminatory or sexist nature, or linked to organisations or persons responsible for crimes against humanity etc.

Article 225-1 of the Penal Code defines discrimination as any distinction made between individuals on the basis of their origin, sex, disability, genetic characteristics, morals, sexual orientation, gender identity, membership or non-membership, whether real or assumed, of an ethnic group, nation, alleged race or specific religion (...).

The offence of discrimination, incriminated in Article 225-2-4° of the Criminal Code, is punishable by three years' imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.